Grey Group has recently announced Nick Guo has resigned from his position as the CEO of Grey ArtM. Nick Guo joined Grey ArtM of Grey Group in 2013 and prior to that he founded ArtM Communications Group. He has over 20 years of experience in advertising, communications and marketing industry and has served clients such as Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, Kodak, Citizen, TCL and Yili with rich and outstanding team management experience and strategic leading ability. Grey Group wishes Nick Guo to keep enthusiasm and vitality in the creative industry in the future.
Grey Group宣布汉扬葛瑞总经理郭浩离职 2019-05-10 09:18:12 广告门
Grey Group葛瑞集团近日宣布郭浩(Nick Guo)自Grey ArtM汉扬葛瑞总经理(CEO)离职。郭浩于2013年加入葛瑞集团旗下的汉扬葛瑞,之前创建汉扬传播集团。
Grey Group葛瑞集团近日宣布郭浩(Nick Guo)自Grey ArtM汉扬葛瑞总经理(CEO)离职。郭浩于2013年加入葛瑞集团旗下的汉扬葛瑞,之前创建汉扬传播集团。他拥有近20年的广告、传媒与市场营销方面的行业经验,曾服务微软、英特尔、三星、柯达、西铁城、TCL、伊利等客户,具有丰富、出色的团队管理经验和策略领导能力。葛瑞集团祝愿郭浩在未来的文化创意行业继续保持热情、活力。
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